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Edgar Degas: Multi-Media Artist in the Age of Impressionism

Arts and Culture, Exhibits

September 16, 2024 - Daily

Timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the First Impressionist Exhibition, held in Paris in 1874, the Clark Art Institute presents Edgar Degas: Multi-Media Artist in the Age of Impressionism. The exhibition highlights the innovative and experimental practices of Edgar Degas in the realm of works on paper. In his pastels, drawings, photographs, and prints, Degas was relentless in exploring unusual media and processes. A range of works from the Clark’s permanent collection and other select loans from public and private collections offer a “behind-the-scenes” look at Degas’s innovative methods, materials, and supports. The exhibition is on view in the Eugene V. Thaw Gallery for Works on Paper in the Clark’s Manton Research Center from July 13 through October 6, 2024.

View the Degas exhibit at the Clark

Venue Details:

Clark Art Institute

225 South Street
Williamstown, MA 01267 United States

Host Details:

Clark Art Institute

(413) 458 2303
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