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Family Self-Guided Storywalk at The Boulders

Family Friendly, Nature and Recreation, Outdoor Event


February 16 - Daily

Animals are all around us. While we may not often see them, we can see signs that they have been there. Some signs might be simple footprints in snow or mud (tracks) and other signs include chewed or scratched bark, homes or even poop and pee (traces). In Animal Tracks and Traces children will become animal detectives after learning how to read the animal signs left all around. Smart detectives can even figure out what the animals were doing!  While the audience of the book is Kindergarten to 3rd grade, the content is great for all ages- even adults! This book is offered in English and Español. Exhibit is open sunrise to sunset.

¡Camina 1 milla y aprende sobre las huellas de diferentes animales! Los animales nos rodean. Aunque no los veamos a menudo, podemos ver señales de que han estado allí. Algunas señales pueden ser simples pisadas en la nieve o el barro (huellas) y otras señales incluyen cortezas masticadas o arañadas, casas o incluso caca y pis (rastros). En Huellas y rastros de animales, los niños se convertirán en detectives de animales tras aprender a leer las señales que dejan a su alrededor. Los detectives inteligentes pueden incluso averiguar qué hacían los animales. Aunque el libro va dirigido a niños de preescolar a 3º de primaria, su contenido es adecuado para todas las edades, ¡incluso para adultos!

Animal Tracks and Traces hike at the Boulders

Venue Details:

The Boulders Reserve

Dalton Avenue Trailhead
Pittsfield, 01201 United States

Host Details:

Berkshire Natural Resource Council

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